
History project on Streedagh beach
By Ellie Langan
Why I choose Streedagh beach
- I choose streedragh beach because it has a lot more history then you think ………
- Such as the spanish armada
- Shipwreaks
- The spanish armada movie
- And the tomb on Streedagh beach
Spanish Armada
- The Spanish Armada was a Spanish fleet of about 130 ships that sailed from Lisbon to Engaland as the the Duke of Medina Sidonia ordered them too. with the purpose of invading England.
- Its said that they set sail may 1588, just over 430 years ago. The fight went on until September.
- After spain got defeted the Armada had attempted to return home through the North Atlantic ocean, when it was driven from its course by violent storms toward the west coast of ireland.
- After the storm many people died. But some people surived
- Most of the ships crashed on Streedragh beach after they crashed many people tried to escape but they where killed
- Because of the ships crashing there is now a shipwreaks [AKA the butter boat] at streedragh beach and some days you can see them.Its amazing how you can still see the shipwreaks after 430 years of being there
- There were also 3 cannons found under the water in sreedragh beach 2 of them where collected they were placed in underwater storage in Mullaghmore and were transfered to the National Museum around 2015 .However one of them were not collected and apparenty still in the ocean.
- Shipwrecks
- cCannons
- The Spanish Armada movie
- The Spanish Armada movie was created in febuary 2020 Just last year, and was filmed in parts of sligo and leitrim.
- I think its really cool how the cast wasn’t famous people but were locals who knew the area.
- When I watched the movie I thought it was really cool and amazing.
- This is a picture of them
The tomb by Streedagh beach
The wedge-tomb at Streedagh is in a very beautiful location, up on the sand dunes on the north side of the Back strand. The tomb was exposed by a violent storm around 1840 when the sand was cleared off the tomb There were and still are stunning views from the tomb in all directions.
Streedagh is a townland in Grange with an impressive beach.
*This 3km beach is full of history, because it is the final resting place of the three ship’s and up to 1,800 men from the Spanish Armada .
*The Spanish Armada was a fleet of 130 ship’s sailing from A Coruna in August 1588.
*The Duke of Medina Sidonia commanded the fleet and brought an army to invade England.
*They were meet with resistance and driven to the North Sea after the Battle of Gravelines.
*Their escape route took the fleet up around Scotland and down the West coast of Ireland .
*Many of the ships were badly damaged after the battle - and struggled to navigate the dangerous coast line of the Atlantic numerous ships became wrecked off the Scotish and Irish coast’s.
*Three of these ships were wrecked on Streedagh .The La Lavia and the Santa Maria De Vision were identified.The third was thought
to be the La Julianna but later new information suggests it was probably wrecked off Co.Donegal .The ship at Streedagh was possibly the San Pedro.
Last changed: Jun 23 2021 at 6:46 PM