Green Schools

Our Green school committee has been elected and has taken office. They are currently putting ideas together as to how we can be more sustainable and environmentally aware in Scoil Naomh Molaise . The Green Schools programme gives us the opportunity to be more aware of how we can look after and protect our precious environment. Being a school in an area of outstanding beauty we feel the responsibility keenly and we wish our incoming Green schools committee every success.

As part of our Green School campaign it is important for us to help and support our wider community outside of SN Molaise. We are working alongside Tidy Towns Grange to help make a positive impact on our environment. On Saturday 13th April 2024, all families are invited to take part in the An Taisce National Spring Clean Initiative. Pupils from Scoil Naomh Molaise and Tidy Towns Grange committee are coming together to help make our community a cleaner, greener and more beautiful place to live. Please come along and lend a hand if you are available. Gloves, Bags and Hi-Vis are supplied. Meet in Grange Playground Car park @ 10.30am.