Staid Abbey

Stáid Abbey measures 12m by 6m.
· It is just 6m from a cliff edge.
· It is about 2km south-west of Streedagh strand.
· The cliff has eroded by about 20m in the last 150 years. If erosion continues the church will gradually fall into the sea.
· Although stáid is traditionally called stáid abbey there’s no evidence that it actually was an abbey.
· The present church may date to around the 15th century AD.
· The site in general seems to be associated with Inishmurray island.
· Inishmurray is located about 6.5km away.
· It may originally date to the 10th century or earlier.
· It may have been used as a hostel or stopping point for people travelling to Inishmurray.
· Captain De Cuellar, a survivor of the 3 ships of the Spanish Armada wrecked on Streedagh in 1588, mentions Stáid in a diary he wrote about his adventure,
· He found the church had been burnt and 12 Spanish hung from the rafters by the English.