Milk Harbour

MIlk Harbour by Grace McCarthy
It got its name from the islanders of Dernish and O’connors island buying milk from the big farmers at milk harbour. It was a small pier untillabout 100 years ago and the board of works extended it.
?During the summer months it was very busy you would have 10 to 15 boats docked there. One of those boats was my grandads. Fishermen left the harbourand went out the bar to fish salmon and lobster mostly.
Just across form milk harbouris a small island called Dernishisland.Along time ago there was six houses, the families that lived there were the Mulligans,Kellys,andGillens. They were all small farmers and fishermen. Today only one family lives there Ron Lenstion. You can only get to Dernishby boat or by jeep from streedgahat low tide.If You are lucky you can see a colony of seals that live in the channel between milk harbourand DernishIsland. When the tide is out they can be seen lying down on the sand banks.
?Also across from the harbouris Tommy and Johnny Mc Cannsboat builders. The Mc Cannshave built boats ,carts and anything the local people needed for three generations. They built my Grandadsboat “The Moneygold” from oak and Cedar wood. They also built Lord Mount Battens boat the “Shadow V” in 1960. Sadly he was killed in this boat in 1979 when it was bombed in Mullaghmore. The boat yard has been closed for the last 2 years as both brothers have passed away .However some of their notes and tools have been brought to the museum of country life in Castle bar.
Today only one fisherman Michael Watters fishes from the pier. There are a few small boats docked there for leisure. It is a great pier to go pier jumping and you can swim there. It has started to get popular for Kayaking which I sometimes do with my Dad. It is great fun there and a great place to go for walks.
It is not a very well known harbour but I hope after reading this you will see why I chose this for my project. I think it is a beautiful and important place of local history .
Last changed: Jan 12 2016 at 4:56 PM